
"How about we" make dates nights FUN again!

Dating is usually associated with single people. But married couples need date nights too, sometimes more desperately than anyone! "How about we" is a dating site that originated for singles, but now not only it  helps you find your significant other, but it can assist you to plan fun and refreshingly interesting dates with your wife/husband!
Members get exclusive, custom ideas straight to inbox( and good deal on them) on what to do when your mother-in-law takes the kids for sleepover. Anything from Brunch dates to Artsy dates to Skills dates, the selection is very rich and diverse - cool, fun dates customized for you!
Husbands! Check it out now and plan your special date on the upcoming Mother's day. Your wife will appreciate the thoughtfulness and the effort you put into it. The site will do all the work for you, you just get the credit for it :)
 Yes, the flowers are nice, and so is a card, but trying something new together as a couple, on a date, surely beats anything!

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