
How to create a gallery wall Part 2 ( Fitting) + My IKEA trip report

My report on IKEA trip:
The day has started funny. I was on the bus going to Ikea and a woman walks in with a 2-2.5 y.o. girl sleeping in her arms. When she got closer I realized that the girl was not sleeping, but NURSING! And her mom just kept making her way  through the bus crowd, with no breast cover whatsoever and not a hint of shame or embarrassment. My eyes kept checking the strange reality, while my brain was in total denial: maybe the girl was simply leaning too close and cuddling, or maybe it was just a very revealing dress with a deep v-neck?
 No, just a solid woman's breast out in the open, in her daughter's mouth. I am not judging here! I am all pro-breastfeeding, just....not an ordinary, everyday sight for me ;)
After the woman got off the bus( still with a suckling child in her arms), the driver, who also happened to be a woman, looked at me and asked: "Was she nursing?" And we both nodded quietly.
Anyways, this made me forget all my worries about the little boy who bit my son at the day care...but, back to Ikea.
Right after I loaded my cart with all the Ribba frames I needed, I found a different line of frames I totally fell for. They are called STROMBY, and they are thinner, mat-less and have a cleaner, more modern look. Not really brushed chrome, but more of a softer, lighter tone of grey, which basically disappears on the walls and lets the artwork really shine.

I started replacing my Ribba with these new frames, only to find out not all the sizes are available in Stromby. After a long debate with myself, I had to go for the mix of both lines. Still not sure if I love it, but I'll try to make it work. The layout had to be re-worked a little to mix up 2 different kind of frames. So it is looking more like this now

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